McDonald, Timothy V (compiled by): Walsingham - a year of celebration 19th August 1997 - 13th September 1998. Commemorating 100 years of pilgrimage 1897-1997

McDonald, Timothy V (compiled by): Walsingham - a year of celebration 19th August 1997 - 13th September 1998. Commemorating 100 years of pilgrimage 1897-1997


McDonald, Timothy V (compiled by): Walsingham - a year of celebration 19th August 1997 - 13th September 1998. Commemorating 100 years of pilgrimage 1897-1997

SKU 11019A Category


R C National Shrine, Walsingham 1st 1999
8vo pb 168pp F 335 gms
(Order reference 11019A). 

Additional information

Weight 0.45 kg