Stories About Not Being Afraid of Ghosts

Stories About Not Being Afraid of Ghosts


Stories About Not Being Afraid of Ghosts

SKU 5405 Category


Foreign Language Press Peking 2nd edn 1979
pb 92pp, small split to cvr at btm of sp o/w VG+ 135 gms
(Order reference 5405).

This book includes thirty-five stories about not being afraid of ghosts, which are taken from ancient Chinese collections of tales and anecdotes. They show the adroitness and courage of Chinese people in ancient times who dared to defy ghosts. Today, everyone knows there are no such things as ghosts. But while there are no demons like those described in these tales, there are many things which resemble them — imperialism, reactionaries, difficulties and obstacles in work, for example. These stories, therefore, may be considered in the nature of allegories and satires.


Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg